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Gallery, Demos & Open Source

We are strong supporters of the open source community and engage ourselves as R benefactors , sponsors and contributors of conferences, such as the Insurance Data Science series.
We also support the Zurich R user meetup and have our own meetup group for data science workshops.

Mirai has a lot of experience in designing Shiny web apps, dealing with important aspects and trade-offs around modularization, customization, flexibility, transparency, testability, maintainability etc. We have also successfully incorporated various strategies regarding development, (continuous) integration and deployment.

We host a small gallery here on our website, where we are happy to share some live examples. Some of our open source Shiny applications address general concerns like the Covid-19 spread or saving for retirement (SmaRP) in Switzerland.

Shiny has become overwhelmingly popular and widespread in the R and more recently Python communities. Shiny web applications provide companies and individuals with an excellent way of demoing and showcasing data analytics and visualizations. They are unrivaled for interactive R-based projects in general, and highly competitive for Python-based projects as well, and have thus found their way into production environments of many large corporates.

We are also the developers of several open-source packages, including the following:


XLConnect is one of the most widely used open source R packages for manipulating Excel files. XLConnect differs from other related R packages in that it is completely cross-platform and as such runs under Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac (32- and 64-bit).


rTRNG provides efficient, parallel, reproducible, and fair pseudo-random number generation for large-scale Monte Carlo simulations. The rTRNG package is based on the TRNG C++ library and provides a user-friendly R interface to it via Rcpp and RcppParallel packages.


sparkbq is a sparklyr extension package providing an integration with Google BigQuery. It builds on top of spark-bigquery, which provides a Google BigQuery data source to Apache Spark.


compareWith is an R package providing user-friendly RStudio addins that make it easier to perform diff and merge tasks, especially with projects under version control. The package relies on Meld, a common visual diff and merge tool.