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R in Insurance 2016 Conference News

Mirai Solutions was actively present at the 4th R in Insurance Conference in London, which was a great opportunity to meet both practitioners and academics active in the field.

Riccardo presented a joint credit and market risk model using a state-of-the-art random number generator under the talk title: “Efficient, consistent and flexible Credit Risk simulation with TRNG and RcppParallel”. Roland participated at the panel discussion on “Analytics: Transforming Insurance Business”. In addition, we were present with a company stand that generated interest among the conference participants and gave the chance for deeper discussions.

There were several other interesting presentations. Jonathan Adams from ARMtech Insurance Services spoke about “Grid Computing in R with Easy Scalability in the Cloud” and the rminions package for easily scalable grid computing. Automatic telematic monitoring in cars was a topic for a couple of talks including Roel Verbelen’s “Telematic insurance: Impact on tarification”. The evening was high-lighted with a spectacular dinner at the Iron Mongers Hall.

We would like to thank the organizers of the successful conference and look forward to seeing you all again in Paris for 2017 conference!

Riccardo presenting Panel discussion Mirai stand