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R in Insurance 2017

On Thursday 8th June the 5th edition of the R in Insurance Conference took place in Paris. Once again we were delighted to attend and support this year’s event.

More than 130 professionals, both practitioners and academics of actuarial and financial data sciences, gathered together in Paris to discuss recent developments in the insurance industry and how to use R to solve current problems. One of the topics which attained a lot of attention was “micro-reserving”, a technique that enables the calculation of reserves in a granular level thanks to the new micro datasets made recently available. On the R side, the package “tm” turned out to be one of the main topics of interest since it was used by many participants to extract information from claim reports. Conference Programme

Mirai, represented by Stéphanie and Gabriel, presented the talk “Technical Provisions in R”.

Gabriel presenting

The slides of the presentation are available here. The gala-dinner took place in the spectacular Musée d’Orsay. All attendees and participants could enjoy a delicious menu and chat in a relaxed atmosphere.

Next year, the conference returns to the Cass Business School in London on Monday 16th July.

Mirai would like to thank the organizers of the successful event!