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Zurich R User Group meetup sponsored by Mirai

Zurich R User Group meetup was held at the Viaduct Impact Hub on January 8.

The event proved to be very popular and R-enthusiasts filled the Bogen D - Viaduct Impact Hub theater to the brim. The two talks were preceded by an Impact Hub welcome and an invitation to Swiss Statistics Meeting 2018: Statistics and Emotions. The first talk was given by Mirai’s Nicola. The topic was “Big Data Analytics in R using sparklyr”. The slides for the talk can be found here. The R-markdown post of the material can be found on our news page. The second talk was given by Olaf Nimz from Trivadis with the title “Anomaly detection – database integrated”.

The talks raised a lot of discussion directly after the talks and during the following apero. We enjoyed fresh beers until late evening and had several interesting conversations with the attendees.

See you again at the next R meetup!

R meetup at Impact Hub