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WiDS 2018 is in Zurich

Tuesday March 20th, the Women in Data science conference 2018 took place in Zurich and our Miraier Francesca attended the event.

Women in Data Sciences Zurich (WiDS) is a one-day technical conference, featuring keynote female speakers from major companies, such as Google, McKinsey, Allianz, Microsoft and Credit Suisse among others. Additional activities included discussion panels on cutting-edge technology and mentorship tables to support younger data scientist and women with interest in approaching the subject. WiDS originally started at Stanford, USA in 2015 and since then it has spread to more than 100 locations. It aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide and support the women in the field.

It is quite an amazing sight to attend a conference where the gender-based proportions are reversed! We do hope to see more women in technical fields in the future and praise such events which work towards this goal.

WiDS Zurich 2018