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2018 OASIS LMF London Conference

Mirai Solutions was invited to participate to the second 2018 OASIS LMF conference: “The good, the bad and the ugly”

The second 2018 OASIS LMF conference was held through September 13-14 in London, UK. Granted the modest size of the catastrophe modeling community, the conference had a good turn out with many international organizations participating as well as people from different countries. Days were divided among presentations, panel discussions and workshops, all covering a large spectrum of topics: from the importance of technology advancements and individuality, to emerging markets particularly in low income countries, data transparency and how cat models impact parametric insurance. Attention was given to all perils (flooding, hurricanes and earthquakes), though with a particular actuality focus on Florence, the most recent US hurricane and the impact of global warming. Though some common opinions were shared throughout the community, some point of views differed. This was the trigger for many interesting rebundles and follow-ups, where the people’s different backgrounds allowed for development of new ideas and conclusions. In fact, the community varied among insurers, re-insurers, brokers, consultants, academics, and modelers.

Mirai Solutions was invited to participate by OASIS and also had a stand. Roland, Francesca and Nicoletta went as representers. The company was also mentioned in the initial remarks given by Dickie Whitaker, the Chief Executive at OASIS LMF, for the work we are doing on the R/Shiny user interface in support of the OASIS platform. To view the full list of OASIS events, please consult the website online.