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Introducing SmaRP: Smart Retirement Planning to the Milan R community, as an example of how to communicate and visualize your R development.

The MilanoR group is one of the main promoters of the R programming language in the meetup community of Milan, Italy. On Monday March 25th, they organized the meetup “From Data to Insight”, in the very inspiring venue of Mikamai. Speakers of the day were Pietro Spagnolo, talking about how to make your numbers tell a (beautiful) story, and Miraier Francesca, presenting SmaRP: Smart Retirement Planning in its latest 1.1.1 released version.

SmaRP was used as an example to highlight how to structure a web app in R, extend the R Shiny framework for a nicer graphic interface, and generate a report through a Shiny app.

Mirai also took this occasion to advertise the open-source nature of the project and its public GitHub repository miraisolutions/SmaRP, allowing interested users to freely browse and checkout the code, or simply play with the app locally via

remotes::install_github("miraisolutions/SmaRP", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Many thanks to the organizers and the participants, looking forward to other events together!