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Insurance Data Science Approaching

Mirai presenting TensorFlow Probability and Solvency Contagion Modeling at Insurance Data Science 2019 in Zurich.

Less than two months until the IDS conference in Zurich! The 300 tickets are gone, the event is sold out. For the lucky ones who got a spot, we look forward to seeing so many known as well as new faces at this exciting occasion! For the less fortunate ones, we’ll be sure to share some news and materials along the way.

TensorFlow Probability

While we continue to work on our two talks, a promising program full of exciting topics awaits us. Abstracts are available online, so make sure to check those out and pick the sessions that interest you the most.

Solvency Contagion Modeling

If you want to hear and see more about the type of things we’ve been doing at Mirai, be sure to visit our stand, we’ll have plenty of materials and some giveaways (including chocolates :)) available.