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Gain insight about the current COVID-19 pandemic with R and Shiny.

COVID-19 pandemic has been described as the worst crisis since World War II and it is undoubtedly affecting everyone’s life, be it with the restrictions imposed by governments to contain the spreading or more directly, through the virus itself, a job in healthcare, logistics or other systemic sectors.

Sitting in front of our screens and reading constant news updates with the latest developments, we at Mirai Solutions realized that, as data scientists and R experts, we could help to improve and share some of the insights from currently available COVID-19 data. We have developed Covid19, a Shiny web app designed for visualizing trends, comparing the situation in different countries and getting a global overview of the virus distribution.

The application uses data from the Johns Hopkins CSSE Repository, and we rely on them to keep the dataset up to date. They provide numbers related to what has been collected, confirmed and communicated by countries’ official sources only. It goes without saying that real numbers may be significantly higher.
As a disclaimer, note that the data are consequently affected by the heterogeneous data collection and communication approaches across different countries, which might highly impact the comparison of figures and trends.

This is a work in progress and we do expect many improvements in the upcoming days. Stay tuned!