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Registration Form Set 2 advanced workshops

We appreciate your interest in Mirai Solutions.

Thanks for registering to our shiny workshops set:

  • Advanced Shiny Development 24/03/2021
  • Bring a Shiny App to Production 31/03/2021

Registration works in 2 steps:

1) Submit the attendees details in this first page: let us know something about your background, experience level, and if you are registering more people.

2) Proceed to PayPal / Credit Card check out to complete your registration. In the next PayPal page you can select the number of tickets you wish to purchase.

* Please note, the registration will be valid only once we have received your payment. If you can't proceed with the payment and you need an invoice, please add details accordingly in the message box and submit without completing the Checkout in the next page. For any question/problem with registering please write to

If you are registering on behalf of someone else or for more than one attendee, please add their full names and email in the message box below.

We will send at this email address the workshop details.

I understand that as part of my registration, Mirai Solutions will store my data in order to contact me.

I would like to receive information on training events and products.