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20th Risk Day at the ETH Zurich

ETH RiskLab organized Risk Day for the 20th time.

The Risk Day has established itself as the yearly meeting point for all professionals, academics, and enthusiasts on Risk Management in the financial sector in Zurich. This year’s event organized on Friday, 14 September at the ETH Zurich was no exception and the meeting gathered a large crowd. The speakers were established in their respective fields and gave excellent talks. In particular, Til Schuermann from Oliver Wyman gave an excellent overview of bank stress testing after the 2008 financial crisis. The theme was continued by Darrell Duffie from Stanford University who presented statistical evidence that governments are much less willing to bail out bank defaults after the 2008 crisis. The afternoon sessions covered the emerging field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in various Risk Management applications. The day continued with an entertaining talk given by Andrew Smith from the University College Dublin presenting how to find optimized solutions for insurance premium models using PDEs. The day was finalized by Michael Studer from Partners Groups who presented the current challenges in private markets. All the talks can be found online.