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'Build your first Shiny App' with us

Learn how to develop from scratch an interactive web interface in R shiny on November 10th.

Shiny is the ever more popular approach to share R work, especially to business users without a technical background, but are required to make data-driven decisions.

It is in fact natural to add an interactive user interface to enable data exploration, visualization and reporting results, with the additional benefits that you can do it yourself without having to rely on external web services or BI tools.

Learn with us how easy developing such a tool, that can support you all the way from prototyping to productive use, can be.

Build your first Shiny App workshop

  • When: Wednesday November 10th, at 2 p.m. CET

  • What: 3-hours online hands-on workshop covering the basics of R shiny and walking you through the development of your first shiny app.

  • Who: This workshop is for everyone with an interest in building an interactive web interface in R. No previous experience with shiny needed, HTML or JavaScript knowledge required, however knowledge of R would be beneficial.

  • How: Register at this link. Before 03/11 the early bird discount is available.

  • And then? This workshop is the first of the “Shiny” learning path. Register for multiple workshops of the series and benefit from a discount.

We are looking froward to having you in our workshops!