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'Advanced Shiny Development' the hands-on workshop

Best practices for a robust and maintainable shiny app, a hand on workshop on 21/06.

Do you know how to build a basic Shiny web application, but would you like to bring your Shiny development to the next level? Learn from professional experts how to prepare your app for sustainable growth, by applying best practices such as packaging your app with golem, modularization and shiny modules, and testing approaches (shinytest2) for a reactive application.

Advanced Shiny Development workshop

  • What 3.5 hours, hands-on practical workshop ‘Advanced Shiny Development’. Learn Shiny by programming Shiny. Practice with exercises what you just learned.

  • When Wednesday June 21St, 14:30 - 18 CEST (time-zone Switzerland, check the corresponding hour in your time-zone).

  • Where Online. The workshop will take place on Google Meet. You will only need a browser to attend, and an RStudio session open for the hands on part.

  • Who If you have basic knowledge of R and shiny but would like to advance your development, learn how to package and test an app. No need to know HTML or Javascript.

  • How Register online and before June 12th you may profit from the early-bird offer. Register more people to get an additional discount from the second attendee onwards.

  • What will you get Instructions and slides will be provided prior to the workshop by email. During the workshop you will learn through a practical and hands-on approach. At the end of the workshop, you will receive a certificate of attendance. Recording will be available after the workshop for the attendees only.

  • And then? The natural continuation for this workshop would be ‘Bring a Shiny App to Production’, the final chapter of the “Shiny” learning path. Register to multiple workshops to receive a discount.

Looking forward to having you in our workshop!

NOTE: the option to register for the workshop ‘Make an outstanding shiny app’ workshop will terminate on 12/06 e.o.d..