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PEMG: a new app on our site»

PEMG (Partial Equilibrium Model for Gas) is a Shiny app that calculates and visualizes optimal natural gas prices and consumption levels for a selection of European countries.

MiRiM - RiskMetrics - v1.1»

Mirai RiskMetrics (MiRiM) is a Shiny app based on the RiskMetrics methodology enhanced to analyze the market risk of a portfolio.

New Risk Metrics Shiny application released»

Mirai Risk Metrics (MiRiM) is a Shiny app based on the Risk Metrics methodology and intended to analyze and visualize commodity data.

4th European Conference on AI in Finance and Industry»

The conference took place in early September at ZHAW in Winterthur.

7th ETH Risk Center Dialogue Event»

Blockchain is a technology growing roots in Zurich, both in industry and academia.

Swiss Risk Association Blockchain event»

On Tuesday October 23rd, the event “Blockchain – An Enabler Of Risk Management?” organized by the Swiss Risk Association took place.

20th Risk Day at the ETH Zurich»

ETH RiskLab organized Risk Day for the 20th time.

3rd conference on AI applied to Industry and Finance»

On September 6th, the 3rd conference on Artificial intelligence applied to Industry and Finance, hosted by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, took place in the nice city of Winterthur.

Mirai presenting at eRum2018»

Excited to announce that Mirai will be presenting SmaRP: Smart Retirement Planning at the eRum2018 conference.

ETH Risk Center workshop on Autonomous Decision-Making»

ETH Risk Center organized a high-class event located at the impressive Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue in Rüschlikon.

Finance 2.0 - Crypto '17»

On September 14th the Swiss fintech scene gathered at the 3rd Finance 2.0 conference on cryptofinance celebrated in Zurich.

ETH Risk Day 2017»

On Friday 15th September 2017, the traditional ETH Risk Day took place.

R/Finance 2017 Conference News»

The R/Finance 2017 conference has been a great opportunity to meet an active community of practitioners and academics using R for applied finance.

Riccardo presenting at R/Finance 2017»

Mirai will be at the R/Finance 2017 conference in Chicago on May 19 and 20, with a lightning-talk about advanced RNG applied to Monte Carlo credit default simulation.