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Scrum Masters Community of Practice event: Agile and DevOps, a Fruitful Alliance»

Mirai Solutions was invited to be the guest presenter at the Julius Baer Scrum Masters Community of practice on January 27, 2025.

MiraiLabs 2024: Scale Your Analytics»

On September 17, 2024, data science and engineering practitioners gathered at Impact Hub Zürich to attend our MiraiLabs workshop

Transparency in software projects, a pivotal success factor»

Transparency in software projects fosters collaboration and accountability, crucial for success. Key strategies include flexible planning, risk management, and effective use of project management tools.

New Workshop: Scale Your Analytics: Leveraging Apache Spark in Python and R»

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming workshop titled Scale Your Analytics: Leveraging Apache Spark in Python and R. This event will take place on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at Impact Hub Zürich, and we would love for you to join us!

New series of articles: Embracing software development»

First article published of the new series: “Embracing software development”. Lessons for nurturing a flourishing software development environment as the foundation of modern business.

Introduction to Apache Druid»

Today we will cover a time series solution that’s used by the giants - Apache Druid.

Introduction to Apache Drill»

Here we are with a new tool for data processing. This time it’s Apache Drill.

Introduction to the Nix ecosystem»

A simple overview of a new DevOps superpower.

Terraforming Azure Databricks - Part II»

Last time we tried to transform Azure with the power of Terraform. Let’s pick up where we left off.

Terraforming Azure Databricks - Part I»

Last few weeks we were busy trying to make Azure habitable using Terraform. Let’s see if we were able to plant anything.

New on Techguides: manage dependencies with renv»

Concepts like reproducibility, integrity and collaborative development are a “must” for using R in production.

rTRNG and valgrind: Docker & Actions to the Rescue»

We are happy to announce rTRNG 4.23.1-1, and share its journey with valgrind, Docker and GitHub Actions.

Closing successfully our first workshop series»

Many thanks to all who participated to make our first workshop series a success!

Upcoming workshop: Shiny App to Prod»

Mirai is thrilled to announce that one of his cherished workshop Bring your Shiny App to Production will be given on December 1st!

Apache Arrow Flight at first glance»

In this post we will try to get a quick overview of the new Apache Arrow Flight framework functionality.

MiraiLabs - workshop postponed»

IMPORTANT! Due to COVID-19 spreading our workshop “Sharing your data science work: Transform your R code into an API with plumber” is postponed to October.

MiraiLabs - Announcing workshop in March 2020»

The second edition of the MiraiLabs series will take place on March 24th. Save the date!

techguides - Technical Guidelines and Best Practices»

We are happy to announce techguides, an open-source home for collecting technical guidelines.

Python package showcasing Secret Santa»

We are pleased to announce the initial public release of our Python tutorial package showcasing a basic Secret Santa application. Check it out on GitHub!

MiraiLabs - From Prototype to Production»

The first MiraiLab, “From Prototype to Production” took place on Tuesday, September 24th, at Impact Hub, Colab.

4th European Conference on AI in Finance and Industry»

The conference took place in early September at ZHAW in Winterthur.

EuroPython 2019 in Basel»

The EuroPython 2019 conference came to Basel, Switzerland this summer! Check out our summary of this lovely event.

compareWith: Easy diff and merge in RStudio»

We are happy to announce the R package compareWith, providing user-friendly RStudio addins that simplify diff and merge tasks.

Oasis Conference Zurich 2019»

Oasis Loss Modeling Framework has been building an active community, which seeks to unlock and revolutionize the world of CAT modeling.

rTRNG: Advanced Parallel RNG in R»

Following on the recent CRAN release of rTRNG, it’s time to show its features and usage more in detail.

rTRNG on CRAN now!»

After dwelling happily on our GitHub repositories for an extended period of time, rTRNG has now finally made it to CRAN.

7th ETH Risk Center Dialogue Event»

Blockchain is a technology growing roots in Zurich, both in industry and academia.

Swiss Risk Association Blockchain event»

On Tuesday October 23rd, the event “Blockchain – An Enabler Of Risk Management?” organized by the Swiss Risk Association took place.

3rd conference on AI applied to Industry and Finance»

On September 6th, the 3rd conference on Artificial intelligence applied to Industry and Finance, hosted by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, took place in the nice city of Winterthur.

New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) Trip Data Analysis Using Sparklyr and Google BigQuery»

This post shows how to use Apache Spark and Google BigQuery in R via sparklyr to efficiently analyze a big dataset (NYC yellow taxi trips).

GPU Technology Conference in Munich»

The GPU Technology Conference (GTC) organized by NVIDIA is one of the most important events around GPU computing for developers, data scientists and decision makers.

Finance 2.0 - Crypto '17»

On September 14th the Swiss fintech scene gathered at the 3rd Finance 2.0 conference on cryptofinance celebrated in Zurich.

Artificial Intelligence seminar at the ETH»

Swiss Risk association organized an interesting seminar on Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the ETH. Prominent speakers from IBM, 4th IR, Leading Edge Forum, Microsoft, and Google presented their views on the latest development of AI and its implications to modern society and business.