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New Workshop: Scale Your Analytics: Leveraging Apache Spark in Python and R»

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming workshop titled Scale Your Analytics: Leveraging Apache Spark in Python and R. This event will take place on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at Impact Hub Zürich, and we would love for you to join us!

MiRiM - RiskMetrics - v1.1»

Mirai RiskMetrics (MiRiM) is a Shiny app based on the RiskMetrics methodology enhanced to analyze the market risk of a portfolio.

Introduction to Apache Druid»

Today we will cover a time series solution that’s used by the giants - Apache Druid.

Agglomerative clustering methods comparison»

Comparing clustering methods manually can be tricky and cumbersome. We propose an automated method that would output the number of correctly clustered entries.

Introduction to Apache Drill»

Here we are with a new tool for data processing. This time it’s Apache Drill.

Introduction to the Nix ecosystem»

A simple overview of a new DevOps superpower.

Deep Learning with Actuarial Applications»

Extensive materials now published on GitHub!

Terraforming Azure Databricks - Part II»

Last time we tried to transform Azure with the power of Terraform. Let’s pick up where we left off.

Terraforming Azure Databricks - Part I»

Last few weeks we were busy trying to make Azure habitable using Terraform. Let’s see if we were able to plant anything.

Reports from IDSC2021»

Insurance Data Science Conference returned again for the third year.

Mirai at IDS2021»

Do not miss our presentation “Agile, the right answer for the ‘next normal’ in the insurance sector” at IDS2021.

Mirai Covid-19 App is one year old»

A year of Shiny development to continuously catch-up with the worldwide epidemic Covid-19.

A visit at WiDS Zurich 2021»

Once again Mirai was thrilled to attend the Women in Data Science (WiDS) Zurich .

IDS Conference is back!»

Mirai Solutions, together with Swiss Re Institute, is sponsoring the online Insurance Data Science Conference next 16 - 18 June 2021.

New Risk Metrics Shiny application released»

Mirai Risk Metrics (MiRiM) is a Shiny app based on the Risk Metrics methodology and intended to analyze and visualize commodity data.

Closing successfully our first workshop series»

Many thanks to all who participated to make our first workshop series a success!

Workshops Series Nov/Dec 2020 Online»

IMPORTANT! Given the COVID-19 current situation in Switzerland, we felt obligated to limit our workshops series offer to solely online and so to give up on the workshops in person in Zurich .

Upcoming Workshops Series Nov/Dec 2020»

Save the dates! Check out our upcoming workshops on some of our favorite topics: R, R-Shiny, DevOps and Agility!

Apache Arrow Flight at first glance»

In this post we will try to get a quick overview of the new Apache Arrow Flight framework functionality.

CovidR: e-Rum2020 contest»

2020 European R Users Meeting (eRum2020) has launched CovidR, an open-source contest and pre-conference event, for R work around the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Resource Gallery»

We have gathered interesting COVID-19 resources and made them easily accessible within a single gallery website.

Covid19 - Shiny App for Understanding Coronavirus Spreading»

Gain insight about the current COVID-19 pandemic with R and Shiny.

MiraiLabs - workshop postponed»

IMPORTANT! Due to COVID-19 spreading our workshop “Sharing your data science work: Transform your R code into an API with plumber” is postponed to October.

MiraiLabs - Announcing workshop in March 2020»

The second edition of the MiraiLabs series will take place on March 24th. Save the date!

MiraiLabs - From Prototype to Production»

The first MiraiLab, “From Prototype to Production” took place on Tuesday, September 24th, at Impact Hub, Colab.

4th European Conference on AI in Finance and Industry»

The conference took place in early September at ZHAW in Winterthur.

MiraiLabs - Data Science Workshops»

We are really excited to announce our latest initiative, MiraiLabs, a series of workshops for professionals who would like to strengthen their data science skill set.

Insurance Data Science 2019 at ETH Zurich»

The Insurance Data Science Conference 2019 took place on June 14th at ETH Zurich and Mirai Solutions was ready to contribute with a sponsorship and two talks.

Ready for the Insurance Data Science 2019»

Excitement is building up for the second edition (7th overall) of the Insurance Data Science (former R in Insurance)!

WiDS Zurich 2019»

With one foot in the organization and another in the audience, Mirai was in a great position to fully appreciate and enjoy the Women in Data Science Zurich 2019 event.

Women in Data Science Zurich 2019!»

Women in Data Science (WiDS) is taking place in Zurich for the second year in a row!

2019 OASIS LMF Conferences»

We are pleased to share that the 2019 OASIS LMF conferences will again take place in Zurich and London, just one week apart in the month of June.

Insurance Data Science Conference 2019 announced»

Mirai Solutions is proud to be one of the sponsors for this year’s edition of Insurance Data Science Conference.

2018 OASIS LMF London Conference»

Mirai Solutions was invited to participate to the second 2018 OASIS LMF conference: “The good, the bad and the ugly”

Mirai at the Insurance Data Science 2018»

Insurance Data Science was held on 16 July 2018 at Cass Business School in London.

Mirai sponsoring Insurance Data Science 2018»

We are sponsoring again the Insurance Data Science, formerly known as R in Insurance, on 16 July 2018 at Cass Business School in London.

WiDS 2018 is in Zurich»

Tuesday March 20th, the Women in Data science conference 2018 took place in Zurich and our Miraier Francesca attended the event.

New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) Trip Data Analysis Using Sparklyr and Google BigQuery»

This post shows how to use Apache Spark and Google BigQuery in R via sparklyr to efficiently analyze a big dataset (NYC yellow taxi trips).

ETH Risk Center workshop on Autonomous Decision-Making»

ETH Risk Center organized a high-class event located at the impressive Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue in Rüschlikon.


The 4th edition of the popular Swiss Conference on Data Science took place in Berne on June 16th. For those who missed it, here a brief first-hand impression summary.

Artificial Intelligence seminar at the ETH»

Swiss Risk association organized an interesting seminar on Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the ETH. Prominent speakers from IBM, 4th IR, Leading Edge Forum, Microsoft, and Google presented their views on the latest development of AI and its implications to modern society and business.

Open Data Day Hackathon»

Saturday 4th March 2017 was the Open Data Day and all around the world, events took place to celebrate sharing data.

Conferences and Workshops Visited»

Mirai Solutions has been actively participating in various conferences and workshops this autumn. Here are the highlights.