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MiraiLabs 2024: Scale Your Analytics»

On September 17, 2024, data science and engineering practitioners gathered at Impact Hub Zürich to attend our MiraiLabs workshop

Learning Path: Shiny»

Expand your data science toolkit with our “Shiny” learning path. Dive into programming your very first shiny app, ensuring its brilliance and stability before launching it into production.

Learning Path: Introduction to R»

With our “Introduction to R” learning path you can add R to your data science skills: from the basis of the syntax to building and hosting an R package on GitHub.

Techguides Update: package dependencies, deployment and Shiny CI/CD!»

We updated our techguides to reflect new features of renv, rsconnect and GitHub Actions, describing state-of-the-art best practices.

2024 Workshops Series Kick-off»

We are happy to announce our 6th series of workshops, to take place in April-May 2024.

R/Basel 2023»

The regional R/Basel event took place at Roche on 21/07: Our presentation and impressions.

'Bring a Shiny App to Production' the hands-on workshop»

Learn how to control your R Shiny development with a collaborative and agile deployment to production.

'Advanced Shiny Development' the hands-on workshop»

Best practices for a robust and maintainable shiny app, a hand on workshop on 21/06.

Learn to 'Make an outstanding Shiny App' with us»

Find out how to customize a shiny app and make it more accessible to users with our workshop on 14/06.

'Build your first Shiny App' with us»

Learn how to develop from scratch an interactive web interface in R shiny on June 07th.

Learning Path: Shiny»

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Shiny” learning path: build your first shiny app, make it shine and robust, and bring it to production.

Becoming an R developer: the workshop»

Learn how to work in an R development team with us on May 31st!

Build an R package: the workshop»

Learn how to develop an R package properly in R with us on May 24th!

Think like a programmeR: the workshop»

Learn how to program your own algorithms in R with us on May 17th!

'Data analysis with tidyverse' workshop»

Become professional at data manipulation and analysis with tidyverse in R on May 10th!

Learning Path: Introduction to R»

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Introduction to R” learning path: from the basis of the syntax, to building and hosting an R package on GitHub.

2023 Workshops Series Kick-off»

We are happy to announce our fifth series of workshops, to take place in 2023.

MiRiM - RiskMetrics - v1.1»

Mirai RiskMetrics (MiRiM) is a Shiny app based on the RiskMetrics methodology enhanced to analyze the market risk of a portfolio.

XLConnect 1.0.6»

XLConnect 1.0.6 now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository.
CRAN_Status_Badge Research software impact Rdoc

'Bring a Shiny App to Production' the hands-on workshop»

Learn how to control your R Shiny development with a collaborative and agile deployment to production.

'Advanced Shiny Development' the hands-on workshop»

Best practices for a robust and maintainable shiny app.

Learn to 'Make a Shiny App sparkle' with us»

Find out how to customize a shiny app and make it more accessible to users with our workshop on 07/09.

'Build your first Shiny App' with us»

Learn how to develop from scratch an interactive web interface in R shiny on August 31st.

Learning Path: Introduction to R Shiny»

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Introduction to R Shiny” learning path: build your first shiny app, make it shine and robust, build a package and bring it to production.

R programming and package development - Workshops»

Last 2 workshops of “Introduction to R” learning path: from R programming, to building an R package.

Becoming an R developer: the workshop»

Learn how to develop an R package properly in R with us on June 29th!

Think like a programmeR: the workshop»

Learn how to program your own algorithms in R with us on June 22nd!

'Data analysis with tidyverse' workshop»

Become professional at data analysis with tidyverse in R on June 15th!

'R basics - objects, functions and operations' workshop»

Take the first R steps and enhance your data science toolkit with us on June 8th!

Learning Path: Introduction to R»

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Introduction to R” learning path: from the basis of the syntax, to building and hosting an R package on GitHub.

Mastering Git and GitHub: the hands-on workshop»

On 25/05 learn the basis of version control via a hands-on 3.5-hours workshop using command line, R, RStudio or a web browser.

New Workshops Series Kick-off»

We are happy to announce our fourth series of workshops, to take place in 2022.

Time for a new workshop series!»

After the success of the past series, new workshops are planned for the upcoming months!

Live COVID-19 Swiss vaccination analysis»

A new live R Shiny application in our gallery: COVID-19 vaccination breakthroughs in Switzerland.

The End of our Q4 2021 workshop series»

After three workshops series done in Q4 2021 our teaching has reached its conclusion for this year.

A 2nd look at vaccination breakthroughs in Switzerland»

Our Covid19 app provides a global view of the pandemic, but how effective is the vaccination in Switzerland?

'Bring a Shiny App to Production' the hands-on workshop»

Learn how to control your R Shiny development with a collaborative and agile deployment to production.

'Advanced Shiny Development' the hands-on workshop»

Best practices for a robust and maintainable shiny app.

A closer look at vaccination breakthroughs in Switzerland»

Our Covid19 app provides global view of the pandemic, but how effective is the vaccination in Switzerland?

Learn to 'Make a Shiny App sparkle' with us»

Find out how to customize a shiny app and make it more accessible to users with our workshop on 17/11.

Think like a programmeR: the workshop»

Make the transition from R User to R Developer with us on November 3rd!

'Build your first Shiny App' with us»

Learn how to develop from scratch an interactive web interface in R shiny on November 10th.

'Data analysis with tidyverse' workshop»

Become professional at data analysis with tidyverse in R on October 27th!

OASIS UI technical updates»

Mirai Solutions stays engaged in the development and maintenance of the front-end of the OASIS LMF (Loss Modeling Framework) platform.

'R basics - objects, functions and operations' workshop»

Take the first R steps and enhance your data science toolkit with us on October 20th!

Learning Path: Shiny»

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Shiny” learning path: build your first shiny app, make it shine and robust, and bring it to production.

Learning Path: Introduction to R»

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Introduction to R” learning path: from the basis of the syntax, to operations and functions, for solid programming foundations.

R user or R Developer? The survey results»

We asked this question to the Community and are now ready to present the results.

Mastering Git and GitHub: the hands-on workshop»

Learn the basis of version control via an hands-on 3-hours workshop using command line, R, RStudio or a web browser.

New Workshops Series Kick-off»

We are happy to announce our third series of workshops, to take place in the fall of 2021.

Impressions from useR! 2021»

The useR! conference took place as a global online conference and we are eager to share some impressions.

We are e-going to useR!2021»

Check out Mirai’s contributions to useR!2021.

R user or R Developer? Your opinion matters.»

What makes one an R Developer and how does it differ from being an R User?

Techguides Update: Shiny CI/CD in Actions!»

GitHub Actions has been maturing as a CI / CD tool, therefore we updated our techguides to focus more on it.

R user or R Developer? Panel Discussion at useR!2021»

R User or R Developer? Attend our Panel Discussion at useR!2021 on Tuesday July 6th at 4 pm UTC (agenda).

Exciting upcoming workshops ahead!»

After the success of the past series, new workshops are planned for the upcoming months!

Learning Shiny: the end-to-end workshop series»

After four hands-on workshops our journey has reached its conclusion.

Workshop 31.03.21: 'Bring a Shiny App to Production'»

A 3 hours, hands-on workshop about safe, agile and automated deployment of a Shiny App.

Mirai Covid-19 App is one year old»

A year of Shiny development to continuously catch-up with the worldwide epidemic Covid-19.

A robust Shiny App up to Production»

A combo of 2 workshops to learn from professionals the best practices to build a Shiny App and bring it to Production.

New on Techguides: manage dependencies with renv»

Concepts like reproducibility, integrity and collaborative development are a “must” for using R in production.

XLConnect on Mirai Techguides»

New XLConnect technical chapter in our open-source techguides.

Spring Cleaning Tips - Make proper Shiny development»

How to apply the spring cleaning principles and advanced programming to your Shiny App.

Afterthoughts of e-Rum2020 in The R Journal»

The conference scene has been revolutionized since e-Rum2020 took place, almost a year ago.

Spoil your users with an outstanding Shiny UI»

Value the users of your Shiny App: Do not overlook the power of a professional UI.

R Shiny makes your data alive»

Let R Shiny do the storytelling job for you and add fantastic interactive interfaces for your R analysis.

rTRNG and valgrind: Docker & Actions to the Rescue»

We are happy to announce rTRNG 4.23.1-1, and share its journey with valgrind, Docker and GitHub Actions.

Upcoming Workshops Series March 2021»

Finally new dates! Take a visit to our upcoming workshops offer on the very exciting R Shiny topic!

Upcoming workshop: Introduction to Agile»

Last but not least, the workshop ‘Not Agile yet? Experience being part of a scrum team’ will bring to close Mirai first series of workshop in Data Science!

Upcoming workshop: Shiny App to Prod»

Mirai is thrilled to announce that one of his cherished workshop Bring your Shiny App to Production will be given on December 1st!

Upcoming workshop: Sparkling Shiny App»

Mirai’s workshop series continues. Next in the pipeline is Sparkling Shiny App on 24th November.

Upcoming workshop: My 1st Shiny App»

Learn how to empower your data through a Shiny interface at Mirai’s new workshop My 1ST Shiny App on 17th November.

Upcoming workshop: Think like a programmeR»

Learn how to program like a professional: boost your R skills and get set on the path to best coding practices at Mirai’s workshop Think like a programmeR.

Upcoming workshop: From Excel to R»

Discover how to use R to break free from Excel’s limitations at Mirai’s From Excel to R workshop.

Upcoming Workshops Series Nov/Dec 2020»

Save the dates! Check out our upcoming workshops on some of our favorite topics: R, R-Shiny, DevOps and Agility!

Mirai's Workshop at e-Rum2020»

We are happy to share our virtual workshop experience at e-Rum 2020, including materials and recordings.

Impressions from e-Rum2020»

e-Rum2020 conference connects many hundreds of R enthusiasts in virtual space!

XLConnect 1.0.1»

XLConnect 1.0.1 now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository.
CRAN_Status_Badge Research software impact Rdoc

COVID-19 Resource Gallery»

We have gathered interesting COVID-19 resources and made them easily accessible within a single gallery website.

Impressions from useR! 2019»

This year, the greater R community gathering useR! took place in sunny Toulouse in July, bringing together over 1000 practitioners from both academia and industry.

eRum2020 in Milan»

The European R conference will visit Milan in 2020! Mirai Solutions is delighted to actively support and participate in the organization of the event.

compareWith: Easy diff and merge in RStudio»

We are happy to announce the R package compareWith, providing user-friendly RStudio addins that simplify diff and merge tasks.

rTRNG: Advanced Parallel RNG in R»

Following on the recent CRAN release of rTRNG, it’s time to show its features and usage more in detail.

rTRNG on CRAN now!»

After dwelling happily on our GitHub repositories for an extended period of time, rTRNG has now finally made it to CRAN.

XLConnect 0.2-14»

CRAN_Status_Badge Research software impact Rdoc

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2-14, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository.

New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) Trip Data Analysis Using Sparklyr and Google BigQuery»

This post shows how to use Apache Spark and Google BigQuery in R via sparklyr to efficiently analyze a big dataset (NYC yellow taxi trips).

#R - Deprecate functions with roxygen2»

We show how to use roxygen2 tags and templates for deprecating existing documented functions.

XLConnect 0.2-13»

Research software impact

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2‑13, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository.

XLConnect 0.2-12»

Research software impact

We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 0.2‑12, now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository.